District : Raigad
Height above sea level : 3000 feet
Difficulty rating : Simple
Base village : Shivthar
Approx. time to reach : Motorable road till fort is present. 15 minutes to the cavern from tar road.
Best Season to visit :
Duration : 1 day

How To Reach

This place is situated at: 1. 30km from Mahad 2. 200km from Mumbai 3. 90km from Pune
S.T. buses ply regularly from Mumbai, Kalyan and Pune to Mahad. Vehicles can take us up to the foothills of Shivthar Ghal. From here we have to ascend about 100 steps to reach the cave. This is the most convenient and trodden way. The villages that we pass through are Kumbhe Shivthar, Kasbe Shivthar and Ambe Shivthar. Another way to the cavern is through Kasbe Shivthar. One has to come via Gopya Ghat from Pune and has to follow the following route; Rajgad-Bhutonde-river Belvandi-Mountain of Kumbale-Gopya Ghat-Kasbe Shivthar-Shivthar Ghal. The route is tough and time consuming.

Place to Stay / Eat

Good lodging facilities by Shivthar Ghal Shree Sunder math Samiti. Food needs to be arranged by trekkers or can take raw material to be cooked on top. Water is avalable in all season but it is advisable to carry water along.

Places of Interest

Ascending the steps we reach the building constructed by "Shivthar Ghal Shree Sunder math Samiti". The organization has provided many facilities to all who come to this sacred place. They have maintained the sanctity of the place and keep it clean. In the main hall we see a portrait of Ramdas Swami. A small well-built path leads to the main cavern where Ramdas Swami used to meditate. This place is beyond our imagination. No words can describe its beauty. A waterfall outside the cavern adds to the beauty of the place. We can realize why Ramdas Swami chose this place to compose Dasbodha. On the plateau above the cavern, there are remnants of the palace of Chandrarao More, the sworn enemy of Swarajya. From here we can have a glimpse of Rajgad, Raigad, Pratapgad and Torna.

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