District : Raigad
Height above sea level : 2100 feet
Difficulty rating : Medium
Base village : Neral
Google Map Co-ordinate :
Approx. time to reach the top : 3 - 4 hours from base village
Duration: 2 days
Hill Range: Karjat

How To Reach

From Neral station : 
Alight at Neral station on the central railway route and take right. The way on the left takes us to Matheran. A ground, a poultry farm and some houses under construction could be remembered as landmarks on the way. Then proceed towards the huge electric towers on the way. After we arrive at a tower with a big cement base, we see a big waterfall. There are three ways near this waterfall. 1.The way along the waterfall 2.Main way from the center 3.The way along the towers
The way along the waterfall goes through forests and it's not possible to proceed along this way. Whereas the way along the towers is very very lengthy and there is a diversion on this route, which go towards Panvel. One might get lost on this way. So the best way is the central one, which takes us to the cave on the fort. On this way we see a rock with carving of Lord Ganesh. Ascend from the right side of this rock. Though this is the way of a small waterfall, proceed along the same way. This way takes us at the ridge. From the ridge turn at left and go further. Here we see a big white rock. Climbing this small patch and walking for 10 minutes we reach at a cave. It is advisable to go with a guide. 2 to 2½ hours are required to climb the fort.
From Panorama point at Matheran : 
Another way to Peb is from Panorama point at Matheran. From here we reach at the cave within 6 hours. Carving of eagle is seen at the base of cave.

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