District : Raigad
Height above sea level : 3100 feet
Difficulty rating : Medium
Base village : Peth
Google Map Co-ordinate :
Approx. time to reach the top : 1 hr from base village
Best Season to visit : Any Time
Duration: 1 Day
Hill Range: Karjat

How To Reach

One has to board ST bus for Ambivali via Kashele or from Karjat railway station on Mumbai-Pune route. The distance from Karjat to Ambivali is about 30 Kms. A road leads to village Peth from Ambivali. A tiring pathway leads to the fort door from village Peth. The pathway pierces through lush green trees and we can refresh ourselves with the lovingly smelled flowers and tasty fruits.
On can get down at Neral, another railway station on Mumbai-Pune route and reach Kashele by local conveyance and catch bus for Ambivali from there.
Ambivali to Peth - 2 hours, Peth village to top of the fort - 1 hour.

Place to Stay / Eat

There is a cave on fort that is best place to stay in night. There are many a cisterns and tanks on the fort, but the one near the cave is reliable. Treekers need to make arrangement for food themself.

Places of Interest

The pinnacle of the Peth can be seen from the village. It looks like a filed surface. On reaching the top of the fort, we see caves carved in huge rocks. The first one is the cave of Goddess, besides which is a water cistern and the last one is the specious Bhairoba cave. A flat floor and well-sculpted pillars are specialty of the cave. Along the Bhairoba cave, steps are carved leading the pinnacle.
Four - Five potholes and some canon balls are scattered in the fort. Kalwawantinicha Mahal, Nagfani, Siddhagad, Malanggad, Chanderi, Prabalgad, Manikgad, and Matheran all these surrounding historical places are visible from top of the fort Peth

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