District : Pune
Height above sea level : 4600 feet
Difficulty rating : Medium
Base village : Rayari
Approx. time to reach : 3 hrs from the base village
Best Season to visit : Just after monsoon that is October, when the valley is full of flowers. Otherwise it weather is good from October to february.
Duration : 1 Day

How To Reach
All the ways to Rayareshwar go from Bhor. From Pune via Bhor :
Go to Ambavde from Pune via Bhor. From here, one can go to Rayreshwar by Titeghar and Korle route. Time required to reach is 3 hours and the way is difficult.
From Kenjalgad :
We can reach at Rayareshwar from Kenjalgad via Sundara or Shwandara.
Via Bhor- Rayari :
Board a bus at 11 am or 6 pm from Bhor for Rayari village. This way is also known as Sambardyachi Vat. This way takes us at Rayareshwar within 2 hours.

Place to Stay / Eat

10-12 people can be accommodated in the temple or in the village. One should arrange for the foodstuffs.Drinking water is available during all season. Villagers do rent out their place for staying at night and some even prepare food at extra charges ( which is not at all high). One can get a good local taste this way.

Places of Interest

The huge plateau over the mountain is about 5-6 km. It looks beautiful in monsoon. There is a temple of Shambhu Mahadeo on Rayreshwar. This temple is situated rather deep in the interior, hence not seen in first glance. Recently a village has been situated on this plateau. We find many rice fields on this plateau. We can see Pandavgad, Vairatgad, Pachgani, Mahabaleshwar, Kolheshwar, Rajgad, Lingana, Rajgad, Torna, Sinhagad, Vichitragad, Purandar, Rudramal, Chandragad and Mangalgad from this fort.

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