District : Satara
Height above sea level : 3600 feet(~1080 meter)
Difficulty rating : Simple
Base village :
Google Map Co-ordinate :
Approx. time to reach the top : Motorable road can take you to the top
Best Season to visit : Anytime
Duration: 1-2 days
Hill Range: Satara

How To Reach

Kalyan to Pune to Mahad (road, 150 km)- Poladpur (road,20 km).
Via Poladpur : 
Enroute to Mahabaleshwar from Poladpur, lies a village 'Wada Kumbroshi'. Pratapgad is situated at about 4 kms from this village. One has to take a right turn from the road to Mahabaleshwar from Poladpur. Since, the entire stretch of road is asphalted, State-Transport buses take you upto the base of 'Tehalni Buruj,' where there is a parking bay.
From Mahabaleshwar : 
'Pratapgad Darshan' bus service is available from Mahabaleshwar.

Place to Stay / Eat

Dharmashala's / Hotels. As you go ahead from the statue of Shivaji Maharaj, there is a Maharashtra Government Rest House. Rooms for accommodating 25 to 30 people are available with prior booking (during season). Water and food is also available in shop and stall in pratapgad

Places of Interest

Hastakala Kendra : 
This Hastakala Kendra (a retail outlet of handicraft products) is situated enroute from Wada village to Pratapgad. There is also a refreshment centre located within the campus.
Tomb of Afzalkhan : 
Enroute to Pratapgad, lies the Tomb of Afzalkhan on the left side of the road. Next to Afzalkhan's tomb, lies the tomb of his faithful body guard, Sayyed Banda. The tomb is looked after by Afzal Memorial Trust.
Tehalni Buruj (Watch-Tower) : 
This is on the western side of the fort. This fortified place is adjacent to the currently existing vehicle parking bay. This Watch-tower was used to keep an eye on the enemy in the surrounding area.
Mahadarwaja : 
A road on the left side of the Watch-tower takes us to the entrance steps of the fort. Mahadarwaja lies here in between the two bastions. Cannon can be seen placed at this door. After taking a left turn from this door, two other doors are visible but they are not in use any more.
Rahat Lake : 
There are total four lakes on the fort, Rahat lake being the largest among them. On the eastern bastion lie the ponds known as 'Naske Tale' and 'Gode Tale'.
Bhavani Mandir : 
The stone from which Goddess Bhavani Mata's idol is carved has been brought by Shivaji Maharaj with the help of King Leelasen. This stone was extracted from a mountain situated at the convergence point of three rivers namely; Trishul Gandaki, Shwet Gandaki and Saraswati. The idol of Bhavani Mata has been carved by Nepali craftsmen. Shivaji Maharaj worshiped this idol at first on Raigad fort and then later, with the assistance of Moropant Peshwe, it was permanently established on Pratapgad in 1662 A.D.
Just outside the temple, there are two huge stone pillars having rows of lamps, which are called as 'Deepastambha'. Besides it, there lies an Assembly hall ('Sabhamandap') and inside it, is a 'Ghanta Rangamandap'.
Infront of the idol, a 'Shivpindi' made of transparent crystal stone can be seen. Apart from this, there is a sword of the vice-Senapati Hambirrao Mohite, over which his name is engraved along with a sign of '6 Ribits'. (One ribit was awarded to a person who kills 100 enemy solders).
Cultural Library : 
Some recently established refreshment centers can be seen while moving towards citadel. Within those establishments, on a higher platform, is situated a cultural library. It displays olden coins, dresses of people of those days and vintage paintings of Marathi-style. One can also view a 15minutes slide show arranged by the library officials which gives us information about Pratapgad in brief.
Temple of Lord Hanuman : 
This temple lies before the entrance door of citadel. The idol of Lord Hanuman was established by Samarth Ramdas Swami.
Sadar, A Meeting Platform : 
As you enter through the door of the citadel, you come across an open space. This is called as 'Sadar'. Important meetings and discussions used to take place on this Sadar. Opposite to this lies the Kedareshwar Temple.
Statue of Shivaji Maharaj : 
As we go ahead from Kedareshwar temple, we comes across a huge statue of Shivaji Maharaj mounted on horse-back with sword in his right hand, raised up towards the sky, and bridle in left hand. This statue has been created by Shri. Kamat, a craftsman from Mumbai, on 30th November 1957. This statue was unveiled by our Late Prime Minister Shri Jawaharlal Nehru.
Apart from above mentioned places, there are many other structures, viz., 'Yeshwant Buruj' to the east, 'Surya Buruj' near Hanuman Temple to the south and besides it lies a secret-doorway, 'Rajpaharyachi Dindi', a place to keep watch-on to the north of the fort.

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